Sunday, November 28, 2010

That Old Devil Biology Keeps Rearing It's...Um...Head.

Which half of the sky do we hold up? It has to be the one with the clouds and wind. The part where there are downdrafts and tornadoes. Still, many of us do try to put the burden of everything on a man. Perhaps that's what I'm mourning right now. Not that I'm not sharing the burden with a man but that he never took it all off my shoulders. I was never valuable enough to do nothing but stay home, supervising the household. And if that's so valuable, why do men leave? Men don't leave. Real men don't leave. Any man can leave. I'm just starting to get a handle on the biology of it all. (No jokes on the word "handle".) Right when it's too late. Men don't want infinite numbers of children, but they feel the urge to go at it as if because that's what nature has set them for, if they are not mature enough to control it. I don't think women want infinite numbers of children or men. We want to have pleasure. We want to have love and affection. Most men do, too and it all works out for most of us for all of our lives. Men don't have enough money to buy infinite lingerie models and sadly, that's the only way they can get them. (AWWWWWW). As I've said before, Nature protects us from rape and kidnap by making more women than men, but it also makes for loneliness and frustration. All the machines on earth can't replace love and protection. And that goes both ways.

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